Since the first intraocular lens was implanted in 1949, the holy grail of cataract and refractive surgery has been a truly accommodating lens.
Inspired by our mission to restore youthful vision by imitating nature, we’ve developed an innovative A-IOL that is designed to imitate the properties of a young, healthy lens.
As it responds to the ciliary muscle inside the eye to change the shape of the lens, our physiologically adaptive A-IOL should function most like the flexible young lens, restoring the full range of vision—near, intermediate, and far—without negative side effects. Our goal is for The Adaptilens to restore the full range of vision and eliminate the need for glasses.

Building a novel and safe alternative to monofocal or presbyopia correcting IOLs
Our full range of vision A-IOL has been designed and engineered for safe and controlled insertion, biocompatibility, predictability, refractive stability, and performance.
Central to our transformative technology and material innovation is our patent-protected, proprietary bottlebrush polymer (BBP).

Proprietary Bottle Brush
Polymer (BBP)
The Adaptilens BBP properties closely mimic those of the natural lens with the advantages of synthetic flexibility, a high molecular weight and stability, and without the risks inherent in silicone oil.